The Bad News
most people are aware of the necessity of proper daily tooth brushing
and flossing, few people realize that clean teeth and healthy gums can
protect against a wide variety of serious health problems! When you don't
brush and floss effectively or frequently enough, your mouth's normal
population of bacteria multiplies on your teeth and gums, depositing
a sticky 'plaque' substance. These colonies of germs then cause a series
of destructive changes that damage your teeth, gums and jawbone. In addition
to getting cavities, gum disease, pain and infection, the bacterial invasion
enters your blood stream and increases your risk for a whole host of
systemic problems like heart disease, stroke, respiratory illness, diabetes
complications and pregnancy complications.
The Good News
But it's not all bad news. After all, it's your mouth. You can control
your oral health by simply establishing a solid habit of brushing twice
daily with a soft toothbrush using the proper technique and a quality
fluoride toothpaste, as well as flossing carefully twice daily. These
days there are a host of advanced toothpastes, rinses and electric toothbrushes
that can help you do a much more thorough job than was possible in the
past. The most effective thing you can do is to call the office for an
evaluation of your condition and get some advice as to which of the many
new products would benefit you most. If we don’t have them here
in the office for you, we can help you obtain them.
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